Sunday, November 26, 2006

I can handle it mom.....

Theresa took some AWWWESOME pictures of our fam this week. I can't post them all, but thought this these fun ones would be so appropriate with the conversation that follows.

And T- you are AWESOME! I know you prefer still life photography, and we were anything but still, but I figured if you can make rocks look so good...:-)
And you amazed us! What a blessing! Thank you!

We had company for Thanksgiving, and it was wonderful. The kids gave up their rooms (as all kids should have good memories of doing for family!). When Julia got her room back last night, she decided she didn't want the safety gate back on her bed. I was a little nervous... but so goes all strivings for independence. So after an accident free night, we had this little conversation today:

Me: "Wow Jules! I'm proud of you - you didn't fall off the bed last night"

Julia (with an air of confidence): "Yep. I just watched where I was going and stayed up really late!"


Brenda said...

Absolutely Beautiful!!!! Love those eyes!!!

Theresa said...

HAHA! I loved the attitude!

I'm glad you were happy with them. I was so nervous that they wouldn't turn out. But there's my insecurity talking. :)

I love your family!!!


Jill said...

wow, heather!! i can't believe how much your kids have grown in the time that i've been away! they are absolutely beautiful children!

tim rush said...

Wow. Beautiful! It's been said already, but is there a better word?

Terry Rush said...

Theresa, tell me about the mechanics of your picture-taking venture. Did large earrings play havoc with your lens and light capacity? Did they create any sunburst affect?

Just curious!

Theresa said...

on the contrary, Terry... the very lack of large earrings made me fear for Heather's emotional health. ;)

Terry Rush said...

Terry...raise your right hand and repeat after me:

I vow...I never never ever...mention again...mention again....anything about Heather's earrings....anything about Heather's earrings. Too, I vow...Too, I not even not even think...of anything funny to say...of anything funny to say....about any of her earrings...about any of her earrings...again...again....ever...ever.

Now, Terry Rush, don't you feel ashamed of yourself? Uh-hu. And don't you intend to be much nicer? Uh-hu.

Good. The End!

Heather said...


Beaten to death.


Dug Up.

Confirmed :
still dead.

Never one to leave well enough alone, are you?

Terry Rush said...

Dear Missus Thorten,

How very much I would like to respond to your insult after I went to such extensive effort to vow riddage of my insult toward you. However, I have taken a vow of complete refrainage. I find myself unwilling to break my monastic monkery over such a matter. Because of my new lofticity of spirituality, I offer alms of rejoicing of my success from the temptation to smear. Therefore, sticks and stones will break my bones but your jeering me on to say at least one more thing about "you know what" won't happen.

I am free from such. I know nothing of which you speak. Cleansing has been my blessed glory. Ridicule is no more.

Heather said...

Actually... it was a test... of your sincerity. If indeed you did not even THINK of something funny to say, as promised, then I'm proud of you. And I'm impressed. I stand corrected, and humbled. :-)

However, you know that look that Julia has in the picture? Imagine that one on *my* face. I think she learned it from me interacting with you.....:-)

Anonymous said...

I love your family. That is all.