Friday, November 10, 2006

Reason # 9- why elementary teachers need to focus on their curriculum more than Photoshop.

My friend Cindy, thought I needed an updated picture for my blog. So she did this for me.

I'd laughed so hard, the self degradation was worth the posting.

However, all those nice things I've said in the past about her being such a great teacher for my son.... blah blah blah.


C said...

I need to start bidding on those earrings on eBay before it is too late. :-)

I think Eli needs to learn Photoshop. We might need more pictures...for learning of course. :-)

Shane Coffman said...

I'd like the record to show that I didn't pick on your earrings today.

Such restraint. :)

Terry Rush said...


I feel so torn. There does seem to be a little finger and a little thumb crawling on your shoulder. And, I do feel the impelsion to correct Shane. Remember, Shane, when you were helping me with my bolg that you commented that she was wearing earrings today? I guess in reality, he didn't "pick" on your earrings....but he was in my office talking about them....just but a little bit, of course.

Anyways, back to the finger and thumb....are those part of applique on a sweater?

Terry Rush said...

Dusty, Dusty,

Have you never seen a finger and a thumb appliqued onto a sweater? I've seen it done lots of ways. I once saw a boot appliqued to the seat of a gradeschool boys jeans!

They were mine!