Monday, September 26, 2005

No pushing or shoving please....

In reading the first four chapters of Mark this morning, I am struck by the differences in perception revealed by each author. (Compared to Matthew), Mark comes out "swinging" in his revelation of Jesus constant action towards people. I'm just struck by all the times Jesus is surrounded by people....the town is crowded at his door, ( when they figure out he is at Peter's house, .. he has to get a boat so the people don't crush him, he moves from city to city, and sometimes he even retreats to lonely desert places just to get a break. Chapter 3:20 says there were so many people around him he couldn't even eat, and his family thought he was out of his mind. Wow. He endured so much on our behalf. I can get grumpy when someone calls at dinnertime. (Like anyone can guess the 4 hour span in which we might eat dinner. ) Okay - I'll be honest. I just hate the phone anyways. (Jennie already knew it. )
When I ponder His endurance, it is easy to bow at His feet. That He would be tireless on my behalf. That He would be patient
and hungry and tired, and sleepy, and absolutely spent so that we would hear His invitation to us. And what an eternal and life changing invitation I'm reminded that is. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

Did i mention i love you... just i'd let you know. i miss you alot. Can you come be my Bible teacher again.PLEASE!I LOVE YOU!

Danna said...

I started the reading today. WOW! After reading the comments that others made on Matthew, I thought I would make note of things I had never noticed before or that had struck me when I had read this before. I was amazed (WHY?) at all that I noticed! Do you ever read something and wonder if you have EVER read it before? Of course I suppose most people do. I guess that's why the Hebrews writer told us that the word of God is living and active....even today! Awesome is right!

Anonymous said...

I am LOL at you being annoyed with people calling during dinnertime!! That's just what I was saying in my e mail to the group this morning. I would be so annoyed with all of those people surrounding me! (especially if I couldn't eat!)

Theresa said...

It amazed me how much he went through, and then, at the end of chapter 4, there's a huge storm (by our human standards) raging all around the boat and he was sleeping.

What perspective that gives us on what he considers important and meaningful. We are terrified of what is physical, but he is more interested in the eternal. Our lives on this world are so temporary, but where would we be if he hadn't spent time here ministering to and ultimately dying for us? As it is, we have that eternal life... because he cared more about the hearts of the people than the storm raging outside.

Anonymous said...

I found you!! hehe! You amaze me Heather. I strongly love and miss you, a whole heck of a lot. A lot, a lot, a lot. Geez, I love you. And miss you. Hmm, okay I'm done now. Have a blessed day! :)