Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bedtime affections

Well, tonight was another quoteable night.

Over last minute glasses of milk before bed, Julia wanted to express her affection to us in a unique way, which led us down an interesting path of conversation.

Julia - "Momma, I love you so much, and I'm never gonna kill you."

Me - "Uh, thank you Julia. I appreciate that, but let's not say kill, okay?'

Julia "But I want to say I love you special!"

Me - Well, I understand, but somehow saying the opposite of kill still doesn't sound that good. "

Julia - "I know! I love you so much momma, I'm never gonna make you go to heaven. "

Jason - (Trying not to laugh) "Julia, we all want to go to heaven...."

Eli now chimes in, "Yeah! Who wants to go to hell? Raise your hand."

Julia raises her hand.

Eli, Jason and I quickly explain some of why we don't want to go to hell.

Julia (as if canceling her raised hand.)
"Oh. Nevermind."

Eli goes on to explain, (as it has been on his mind lately anyway... )
"Now Julia, if you don't want to go to hell, you have to be baptized... put under the water... now Dad, if you want to go to hell,.... well, sorry, it's too late."

Sweet, simplistic faith and understanding.
And a new twist on bedtime rituals.


Theresa said...

Thank you, God! It's too late for me too! Even when I feel horribly unworthy, it's still too late. I am His forever.

That was beautiful, Heather. Thank you for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

If you have a new Eli story, raise your hand.

Jeanne said...

Your children are so precious! They know how to express their hearts, even if the words don't exactly convey what they're meaning! Way to go Eli! Simple faith, simple truth. Why do we sometimes make it so hard? No wonder Jesus said, "unless you become like a child ..." (Matt.18)

Shane and Hope said...

Hope and I died laughing! I cannot wait to hear what our kids will say. You guys are doing an amazing job raising your kids. I admire you!

Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Your parenting stories make me so excited about having kids, but at the same time, terrified. I love your family and it's faith. You guys are truly a joy to know.